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For effective and efficient movement of prospects through your pipeline, content is king. Perri Marketing can help the CMO or small ISV start-up accelerate accounts through your pipeline with thought-leading content like whitepapers, blogs, brochures and more.
To learn more about what we do and how we can help your company, download our Services Brochure and Client Case Study.

DTS ACC Monarch Product Fact Sheet

DTS ACC Monarch Datasheet

Infotel Arvitam Datasheet 

Infotel APT datasheet

CorreLog Splunkbase Datasheet


DTS Easy Exit Datasheet

DTS SMS Debug Audit Datasheet  

Infotel DB/IQ brochure

Infotel Packman Datasheet

Secure.Systems LG V30 Datasheet

SyncDog Sentinel Secure Datasheet

syncdog sentinel secure Migration Datasheet

SyncDog Sentinel Secure Datasheet Secure.Systems

CorreLog FISMA compliance exec summary

Correlog dbDefender Datasheet

CorreLog SAP datasheet 

CorreLog Audit Reporting datasheet

CorreLog Data Security and Compliance Brochure

CorreLog GDPR Datasheet